Are humans the only animal that are able to drink milk as adults and not have it cause issues? The human is feeding the cat milk. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Yet a simple Internet search reveals that this is a sentiment many share. ... you can’t do much with it other than drink it. Other mammals stop drinking milk past infancy. In order to neutralize and flush out the acids, our bodies have to use the calcium that the milk contains—as well as some from our own stores. Paleolithic people didn’t drink milk past infancy, and hence our body is not designed for it. ... “Maybe people are drinking less milk because it is poisonous to many of us. Actually, this is not true. Should humans drink cow’s milk? Cows’ milk was designed for calves, not humans. Humans weren’t designed with an odd gene flaw requiring us to drink the milk of other animals to grow, because every species has endemic traits that only apply to their specific type. ... the reindeer, the elk, and a few other animals. Other mammals stop drinking milk past infancy. If you do a search you will see all types of animals that "adopt" cross species and nurse them. The comments are saying “fawns feed from a dog”, “cat feeds a baby squirrel”. So why not the camel? ... Maybe the "camel-ccino" will be the drink that finally leads America to stray from … Here's the ones I can think of: human cow goat sheep camel yak buffalo donkey/ass Any others? ... “No human should be consuming milk … If other mammals could set up a dairy, or figure out how to drink another mammals milk - they would do it - but milk is just not something that is readily available in the wild. Humans are basically the only species which milks others, because we’re the only ones to domesticate other mammals. Seven of the Most Extreme Milks in the Animal Kingdom ... Why then do we drink cow’s milk but not pig’s? The high level of omega 3, 6 and 9 fats and protein in this milk are more bio-available to humans compared to all other animal fats and most vegetable fats. 1 source of nine essential nutrients in America’s children’s diets. ... Why do people drink cows milk but no other animals? ... Why isn't Almond Milk (and other non-animal based 'milk') considered juice? There's a big difference there. We are the only animals capable of milking other animals. I was drinking a glass of milk the other day and that got me thinking that no other animal to my knowledge drinks milk past their infant stages. How do the arguments for and against consuming milk stack up? ... it made sense to drink milk at one time, so we adapted to do … I read everywhere that adult humans have been drinking for only about 8,000 years. Plus, milk is the No. But why do some people continue to drink milk into adulthood? While you might think of alternatives to cow’s milk only in terms of non-dairy, nut-based milks, cows are far from the only source of dairy milk out there. As all mammals do, human infants produce hefty amounts of lactase, an enzyme … When an orphaned baby animal is fortunate enough to find an adoptive and lactating ”mother,” it will nurse as much as possible. One could argue that cats might but it isn't good for them to do. Why are humans the only species on this planet that drink milk from another lactating species well past two years of age?